October 1, 2012
NYC only recycles 15% of what it throws away. NYC H2O believes that the best way to improve the city’s recycling efforts is for young people to develop good recycling habits early on. There are 1.1 million students attending public schools in over 1,200 school buildings so the impact can be significant immediately and over time. It is therefore important for schools to take the lead in recycling.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that many schools do not recycle despite it being a NYC law. In 2007, the State Education Commissioner sent a letter to NYC principals because many wrongly assumed that schools were exempt from recycling laws. NYC H2O is conducting a survey to determine what level of need exists to improve recycling efforts in schools.
Please take a moment to fill out this survey about recycling in your school. The first 50 respondents will win a $5 gift certificate to Starbucks.
Click here to access the survey