December 12, 2009
Jerome Park Reservoir
Stephen DeVillo, a native Bronx historian, will lead a walk along the path that the Old Croton Aqueduct followed in the Bronx. Starting out from the Jerome Park Reservoir (named for WinstonChurchill’s granddad), we’ll explore the history of the Aqueduct and thecommunities it passes through. We’ll learn about the construction of this 40 mile-long engineering wonder and the impact it had on the development of New York City and the Bronx. Along the way we’ll follow in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe, see unique memorials of the Aqueduct, hear the rowdy tale of “Donnybrook Hill,” learn the ribald
origin of Featherbed Lane, view where the Aqueduct vaults the Harlem River over the dramatic High Bridge, and see its Manhattan terminus at the landmark High Water Service Tower.