NYC H2O’s World of Water: Drinking Water & the NYC H2O Hub

Virtual Teacher Workshop

Join NYC H2O’s educators for a Teacher Workshop where we will take a more comprehensive walkthrough of the new and improved Virtual Hub!
About this event
At NYC H2O we specialize in leading hands-on field trips that typically focus on one of two themes; drinking water and coastal ecology. In this program we’ll take a ‘deep dive’ into NYC’s drinking water using a new tool that NYC H2O has been developing during this time when our field trips have been ‘grounded.’

The first portion of the program’s activities will be a review of the history of the city’s water supply and the engineering needed to supply all of our residents, workers, and visitors with the water they need daily. Your instructor will be using the NYC H2O Hub to guide you through these stories, and will give you a solid foundation for using this tool in your own classrooms.

Following this segment, we’ll be using our Virtual Lesson structure to show how we implement the same information in the ‘virtual lessons’ we are currently offering. You’ll have the chance to participate in the interactive portions of the virtual lesson, experiencing a debate designed for upper middle school and high school students.

NYC H2O is now an Approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) through the NYSED!