Thursday May 28 (for teachers)
Sunday June 14 at 7pm
Plumb Beach
Join NYC H2O on a new moon to see the horseshoe crabs as they come ashore for their mating ritual as they have done for the last 450 million years. Horseshoe crabs are some of the oldest living creatures on our planet. They play an important role in coastal ecology because their eggs provide food for migrating birds. In the Northeast, horseshoe crabs numbers are declining due to loss of habitat as well as the over-harvesting of horseshoe crabs for biotech purposes and for use as commercial bait.
Last month NYC H2O partnered with the National Park Service to clean up Plumb Beach and get it ready for our pre-historic friends. We had 70 volunteers collect 150 bags of trash. Now we will get to see the fruits of our labor.
Naturalist and educator Alan Ascher will lead this discovery walk.
The event is free and open to everyone but please RSVP here.
Below is Alan Ascher’s reference list for horseshoe crabs.
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